I was 16 years old then and active in the activities of the Red Crescent movement.
A stirring moment that i will always remember of those days was our voluntary assistance to the plight of the refugees then ,the Vietnamese.
Excerpt from the Sarawak Branch Red Cross ..
Landing of the first batch of Vietnamese BoatKampong Goebilt was their camp and it was there that we went few times to send the basic ration needs of the refugees. Even that time i can vividly remember the pitiful plight they were in, staying in crammed space, and not knowing what their future held for them.
People at Paloh, Sarikei. However, MRCS only
involved in the assistant programme on June, 1976
after the 4th landing.(Goebilt).
Human spirit though is a wonderful phenomena, their cheerful and optimistic outlook conceal possibly the pains most of them endure not only physical but emotional .I am sure every family had a story to tell 0f those killed or missing during the Vietnam war.
I recalled my time of helping the refugees in a small way then was due to a story i read recently on the sad plight of the Rohingyas.
Here was a group of famished and improvised lot who had to escape their homeland not from a war but human being's eternal "enemy" POVERTY.
It was indeed a sad story when they were chased away by the Thai authorities and left adrift in the open seas.Some i gather died. Firstly i did not realise there was indeed a minority Muslim clan in Myanmaar,the Rohingyas. Life must be tough for them and refugees phenomena nowadays is not normally caused by war or civil conflicts but a mere escape from sheer poverty.
The Malthusian postulation of an overpopulated world where famine can be widespread may no longer be a theory proven wrong as in the past but can be a stark reality that the world leaders has to grapple with.
I always tell friends alike that the world's present and future biggest problem is not climate change but OVERPOPULATION.
To the Rohingyas , i can only prayed that the final outcome of your sad plight will be a place that you can finally call home and i hope one day i too can be given an opportunity to assist as i can as what i had done as a 16 year old boy,InsyaAllah.
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