Time people spend now facing a screen(small or large) must be phenomenal to say the least.
I remembered the Internet boom mid 90s and every one starting to have an E mail.
Admittedly i was one of the earlier ones ,subscribing to Jaring.
I thought then that's it, a final tool of communicating and socialising just being at home or anywhere facing a screen.
As usual how wrong i am!!!
The blogging craze then came to town.
It started with the teenagers posting their daily activities, stories and sharing of photos.
Then the politicians get on the bandwagon!!! So beware !!! They( i mean the politicians) came in all forms, as usual those denied the mainstream media will be the first on the fray.The wannabes politicians as well, young men who possibly think they have all the answers to the world's woes and of course the hardened ones will not want to be left out.
I got into blogging when i first wrote a poignant article on my mum and was even published in the local daily.
Surprisingly when i looked up today on my blog's statistics i have written 79 postings.
My trusted "road warrior " the Fujitsu Life book laptop has certainly been overworked !!
Never knew i can be such precocious in my outputs.
I only mean just to write simple stories or anything that i have observed and worth mentioning in a very insightful way. I will not intend to be a political wannabe, i do not intend to write what i do at work or my limited business/corporate experiences.
Maybe i will write a bit of my career as an engineer if not to inspire but to reflect maybe some hilarious anecdotes that i have experienced.
Then i heard my children talk now of Friendsters and even the present craze Face book.
While thinking (wrong again) that blogging will be the ultimate socialising tool on screen here comes Facebook.
I have yet to appreciate its wonders and attributes as a socialising and communicative tool .
One thing for sure i will not dare now say it is the ultimate socialising tool on the screen.
So what next????
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