During the Pharaohs time, they built pyramids to showcase their absolute power during their era of rule.
A total symmetry of a building that still baffles us even now how it can be built that way.
However human nature has never changed despite great strides by civilisation in inculcating the emancipation of Mankind.
Yes, we still love to have huge structures and the bigger it is and the higher it is the better!!!
Ugliness though is still a common feature.
I must next time when going around town take note of any ugly buildings..i thought i saw one just completed near the airport ,at first glance it resemble more of a hospital building.
Until someone remarks that it is a 4 star hotel, really???
Talking of pyramids, i cant help observing that the Golf club building has such similarity, an ugly facade amidst the trees and mist as i noticed it as such when teeing off for my golf the other day.
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