One phenomena that really changes our social life besides the Hand phone is undoubtedly the mushrooming of massage parlours.
There is even one now near my home and which i too has succumbed to this phenomena by having regular visits to have your foot massage.
Earlier days whenever you want to have a massage you just called for your favourite masseur,normally an old lady who somehow made you convinced that what your illnesses were just by her feeling your veins and nerves!!!
Now there were so many varieties of a massage outlet, the most obviously those that employed the masseurs from China.
Foot massage is the most popular of the packages being offered possibly because of the convenience(they just need a chair for you) and one even heard that some of these places offered other "services" than just a massage.
This has certainly cause a concern to the public and City Councils will have their hands full in ensuring that these places only offer legitimate service.
It was only the other night we celebrated a friend's appointment as a City Councillor, hmm hearing from him indeed a Councillor's job can be a heavy responsibility.
So, Mr Councillor, what will be your first task?
Inspecting all these massage Parlours??
Knowing how innovative you can be, will you be rating all these places like what the Council do for restaurants?
So, Mr Councillor what does a place have to offer in order to be rated "A"?
Legitimate services only please being considered!!!
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