Coming back from Dubai on Friday last week and after quite a hectic trip, i was hoping for a relatively quiet week ;with no intentions to travel(at least for a week!!!)
Well the past few days have been otherwise, still hectic and with a bit of diversity in experience!!
The Saturday morning was spent at Serikin, bringing along a West Malaysian friend and family for a short jaunt at this interesting market place. It never failed to amaze me how busy the place was, full of day trippers and business must be roaring for the peddlers.
Didn't buy much though, well after a tour of Dubai shopping malls one with due respect naturally not inclined to buy a 'different" version of Louis Vitton bag or Puma shirt that were in abundance at Serikin. Mind you did not buy much as well in Dubai except a Jackson 5 CD!!!
Still observed though at Serikin the leeches sucking process that claims to heal all ailments!!!!
Saturday afternoon was a golf ritual i had with my ex school mate, lost the rhythm and struggling in vain with my Driver shot!!!! Luckily i was spared of a prolonged misery as lightning put paid to our golf game and we had to stop after 9 holes(out of 18!!!)
Sunday morning spent sending my daughter to the airport for his flight back to KL ,being back in Kuching for a fortnight break. She came back to Kuching with one bag and returned to KL with 2!!!
Her claim of course was the extra books that she wanted to bring back to her college, one suspect more of all the instant noodles and junk food being crammed in that extra bag..needless to say have to pay the overweight charges possibly more costly than the food crammed in that bag...
Another interesting experience attending a prayer session at Pehin Seri's abode..and among the congregation was a Zikir group of Indonesians , and the International Qariah champion as well from Indonesia reciting some verses of the Quran. Wow..such melodious voice and one felt entranced by not only by the Quran recital but the Zikir conducted by this group,
Apparently when i asked then, this group is quite famous in Indonesia and always doing a tour around the country ,performing to big big crowds. No wonder ,they are really talented!!!
Tuesday morning was a Ting Pek King show!!! Attending the hawkers workshop opening ceremony kindly graced by Pehin Seri.
6 speeches in all!!! Ting Pek King has gone to an extent in his "speech"(or is it a Martha Stewart show?) by demonstrating the right attire to wear for a hawker ...if i were to understand correctly..." allo allo my dear awkers lu must wear all white with the right apron and also this free white t shirt(with my hotel logo on it!!).." Interesting character this man and one cant help admiring him and his achievements.
But the show stealer to me that morning was the Datuk Wong Soon Koh interpreter show, i wont say more just find it funny, i thought i was in Beijing!!!
However it was good to see the big crowd of hawkers and their families being feted and treated well this way, kudos to you Tan Seri Ting and to Pehin Seri for such enthusiasm in his speech in offering ideas and ways to help out the hawkers.
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