While in Dubai last week, listening to an English channel radio a mention was made of that old British political stalwart ,Mr Michael Foot.
Excuse me, did you mean the Michael Foot that was the Labour Party leader after Callaghan in the early 80s. Must be kidding, he was already 70 years old then, he cant be still alive!!
So i did "googled" and check the facts out....
Michael Foot, the son of Isaac Foot, the MP for Bodmin, was born on 23rd July, 1913. Educated at Wadham College, Oxford, he became president of the Oxford Union in 1933.
Foot joined the Labour Party and was the unsuccessful parliamentary candidate for Monmouth in the 1935 General ElectionIn 1980 Foot became leader of the Labour Party. He held the position for three years but resigned after the party's heavy defeat in the 1983 General Election.
As of 23 July 2006, his 93rd birthday, Michael Foot became the longest lived leader of a British political party, beating Lord Callaghan's record of 92 years, 364 days.
My goodness, he must be what, almost 96 years old now!!!
I remembered those days in the late 70s, it was a trying times in the UK.
James Callaghan was the Prime Minister and the endless strikes really made one's life miserable.
Imagine on cold winter days no coal to heat up buildings. College classes were sometimes cancelled because of no coal due to the miners strike.
The Labour left wing was strong then ,,names like Tony Benn, Arthur Scargill, ken Livingstone(now the London Mayor,how ironic) and of course the eccentric Mr Michael Foot.
They were the epitomes of socialist left and the full welfare state they envisioned for Britain almost cause a total economic collapse of the country.
I was not aware then but now i realised that period was the cusp of an emerging new era as Thatcher ism and Reaganomics finally took centre stage in the world order.
The Thatcher years henceforth has shown how "redundant" and irrelevant were the ideas of the idealist Left as championed by Mr Michael Foot and company.
However one cannot fault Michael Foot for his fervent belief for what is a politician if not fighting for his ideals and beliefs.
As an 18 year old boy i cant though help being mesmerised by the articulation of arguments on both sides of the political front as normally shown on TV shows such as Question Time.
Mr Michael Foot indeed is a man of honour ,he may be wrong finally in his views but one cant help feeling the vibes of his sincerity (and of course eccentricity) and to live to such an age reflect possibly his Bohemian and Spartan lifestyle (just guessing!!)
MP wants statue of Michael Foot to rival Thatcher
AFTER THE massive marble statue of Lady Thatcher and her handbag which caused such ire on the government benches, Labour MPs are hitting back with proposals for a statue of one of the Left's own heroes.
An early day motion from John Cryer MP is being put down today which proposes that Thatcher's old adversary Michael Foot be immortalised in marble within the Palace of Westminster.
"This house congratulates Michael Foot on his approaching ninetieth birthday," it reads, " recognises his integrity, compassion, decency and his record as an outstanding parliamentarian, journalist, author and above all socialist. This house believes that a fitting tribute to the former ...
Margaret Thatcher may be more renown throughout the world but as captured in the above headlines, Mr Michael Foot is indeed an equal of standing and reputation to her.
He may have not seen his ideas to fruition but nonetheless his untiring commitment to the welfare of the working class has endeared him well with the masses and i am very very sure there will finally be a statue of him , foot and all(pardon me!!!)
To you Mr Foot may you live to a 100.....
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