We all knew through reading of books and learning History about the dynasty of the White Rajahs, the Brooke Dynasty.
It all started with a journey of adventure by a then retired military man,James Brooke in his vessel(or is it just a schooner?),the Royalist.
The thing i can never understand was how could the then Sultan of Brunei vassal,Pengiran Hashim promised to give Kuching( 0r Sarawak then) to James Brooke if he could quell the rebellion led by some local Malay chieftains.
Why just Pengiran Hashim surrendered Kuching to the rebels since he was going to give the place to James Brooke anyway if James Brooke defeated the rebels.It just defy logic, he's going to give up Kuching whether he's going to win or lost!!!
So there was James Brooke aiming his cannon at the Pengiran's residence when he renegaded on his promise to give Kuching(or Sarawak then) to him once he defeated the rebels.
Funny man this Pengiran , i can only fathom one reason....he must be so homesick that he just wanted to rid Sarawak.
As we all knew , because of that foolish promise, history changed its course,hmmm.
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