I finally did it!!!! yes i drank my first cup of real,original Kopi Luwak. Kopi Luwak supposedly is the most expensive coffee in the world.I did it at one exclusive restaurant cafe in Jakarta, Kembang Gulae, it also have a long sausage that i have ever seen being served!!!
Here's some interesting facts regarding this unique coffee:
Kopi Luwak (pronounced [ˈkopi ˈluwak]) or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested.
Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and the United States. It is increasingly becoming available elsewhere, though supplies are limited; only 1,000 pounds (450 kg) at most make it into the world market each year.[1] One small cafe, the Heritage Tea Rooms, in the hills outside Townsville in Queensland, Australia, has Kopi Luwak coffee on the menu at A$50.00 (=US$33.00) per cup, selling approximately four cups a week.
Well, the exquisite cup that i drank cost just around 100,00 Rupiahs(around RM35), expensive but still cheap compared to those being served in Europe or America.
So,how does it taste? A bit pungent and left a strong after taste ,just don't think of it as a shit drink and you will be fine , Morgan Freeman may not agree though. Remember that movie, "Bucket List?"
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