I made a conscious decision that i would not talk about work in my blog unless there are funny anecdotes or ordinary stories that i can relate.
Hmm..when one looked back at a working career that spawned now nearly 26 years ,undoubtedly there were many stories to be told. Stories of jubilation, joy and its fair share of despair and disappointment.
How would i have fathom as a young man ,23 years old then coming back home after 5 years studying abroad that i would be now working in my home town Kuching for the past 12 years and counting.
I started my engineering career in Miri,Malaysia's first oil town. What did i remember then of my times spent there?
Well aplenty and still have a fondness for the place and friends and relations that i have built up there.
Maybe i am lucky, the first 10 years of my career was spent on the "coal face" of the business or in other words directly involved with the engineering related works. I started my career as a design facilities engineer ,learning the rudimentary facets of offshore oil facilities design, troubleshooting any engineering problems.
I can still vividly remember those helicopter rides offshore, those days the choppers were real workhorses , noisy and always in vibrating mode!!!!
I can still play football then and we had our Engineering department team and playing in the company's football league. I always dreaded when we had to face the Security department team,they must have taken a page off Wimbledon FC by the way they played their football.
ya i do have fond memories of Miri and when i was there last week cant help feeling a bit of pride to see how much the town has developed and prosper since those early 80s days when i was there as a young man starting my career.
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