One sometimes is lucky enough when acquiring acquaintances met a person that can be so enduring, no false pretence and above all always being himself warts and all.
I was such a lucky person for i met Mr Sway around 6 years ago, starting as part of the badminton group who played twice a week at the local golf club badminton courts.
He was the oldest among the group but was he the most serious?
Not by a single mile...Mr Sway is forever joyful with his positive demeanour and boisterous voice.
He stopped playing badminton few years back but still maintained a very close association with our group and he will be badly missed even if he was away travelling only for a week.
Honestly i envied him with his no pretences approach, he doesn't have to "kow tow" to anybody, he's generous at heart and sometimes being the butt of most jokes takes them well without being sensitive .
Mr Sway though in his full element when there's karaoke on offer...yup the song Sway is his trademark and mind you he can foxtrot with a step or two.
If there is any lingering memory of him it will be seeing him serenading the Henri Rotinsulu songs with full vigour and passion...among his Rotinsulu favourite songs...Selendang Sutra and Bandung Selatan.
I went once on a holiday with him to Hanoi and wow he is such great company!!!
So Mr Sway (aka IBM) thank you for being a great friend and don't lose those great moves(sway i mean) on the dance floor while serenading a Rotinsulu song.
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