The week passed by so quickly that sometimes you wonder whether indeed the hours you spent are quality time. For the past six months i have bought few books and none of them i have finished reading:
- How Starbucks saved my life-Michael Gill
-The Age of Turbulence- Alan Greenspan
- Super crunchers- Ian Ayres
- Success Intelligence-Robert Holden
- Persuasion- Jane Austen......wow give me time , give me some free quality time!!
I vowed i must first finish reading the book by that ex Central Banker, Alan Greenspan, halfway already,real illuminating read .
In one's work one encounters either garbage issues or talk or real problems and issues that can enhance your company's performance or bottom line. I am still learning and must always remind myself to stick to real issues and avoid small talk.
A week as i continuously keep on realising can fly by so fast.
Gawai? Am off to Kl because our brethren there are not having any holidays so i will have opportunity to do some follow up works that are usually demanded of me ...ha, stop griping !!!
Never mind i am going to spend quality time with the family for a long planned week holiday to Sydney the week after to meet up with my eldest son,Azri. Will i stop working then? I doubt it as a flurry of sms and emails will still be sent and received, hey man that's what my Blackberry is for.(believe that, i nearly want to say i feel so lost when my Blackberry went bonkers for a few days).
What ails you Zorro???? Go off to Talang Talang Island and finish off reading all your books!!!
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