I read recently that the British most favourite dish or now the national dish is the Chicken Masala, Wow how times have moved on, the English is not renown for their food and mockery was made of their culinary skills by the Continentals particularly the French.
Somehow i got taken in by that basic of the English dish or "takeaway", the Fish n Chips in the newspaper wrapper. Ha beat that!!
Such simplicity ,just deep fry the fish and those big cuts of potato slices which they call Chips.
French fries must be a way for the English to take a swipe at the French for French fries as we know are more of smaller cuts or sizes as compared to the real British Chips!!
I love my Fish n chips with lots of vinegar and a bit generous helping of salt. The routine whenever one buys a helping of Fish n Chips at a take away counter will be a standard question being asked.."Salt or Vinegar?"...
So what does one do if on occasions a sudden craving for fish n chips suddenly comes to mind?
I normally have my dish of Fish n Chips at the Secret Recipe outlet, not bad actually though it cant beat the real thing.
I will normally order a plate of Fish n Chips with a cup of a Long Black coffee. The mushroom soup with its fresh bun is a good starter for the sumptuous meal(to me anyway).
So how do i end a perfect weekend? i have my dinner at Secret Recipe located at the Spring Mall I had this opportunity when i have to accompany my daughter Sabrina on some errands tonight to the Spring Mall.
Sigh...no vinegar to spice up my fish n chips dish but hey the lemon slices can do ,no problem.
Yes a perfect way to celebrate a great weekend, Manchester United winning the league , Hafiz the Sarawakian winning the AF reality show.
Pass the vinegar please!!!
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