I did something over the weekend that i thought i would not have done or enjoyed. I was watching on TV a Concert for Diana,the late Princess.
The only word to describe the show is AWESOME , a great treat with a mix of old and new stars.
The "old" stars on show included Bryan Ferry(heard of him?), Rod Stewart,Elton John and the ever green Tom Jones.
The show have as its interludes video clips of Diana doing all her charity works and also some tributes from those that knew her including Tony Blair(surely we all have heard of him!!!)
The interlude showing her work on the call for the ban of land mines was poignant and applaudable.
Diana was of my age if she was still alive ,just a year younger.
I could vividly remember her wedding to that man, a big happening indeed as we were all glued as young University students in Birmingham to the television watching the unveiling of the future Queen of England.
The common remark that we made as we watched with awe was simply,"what a mismatch!!"
Her sudden demise evoked such anguish and unprecedented emotions not only in Britain but the whole world was a bit surprising but to me understandable.
Here was a simple woman trying to be her own amidst a rigid and frigid atmosphere within the royal fraternity and maybe she was scorned for being a simpleton and lack of "intellectual vigour".
Also the manner that she fought back against possibly such prejudices strike a chord among the common folks and yes indeed she was a people's Princess.
I named my elder daughter Diyana maybe to an extent influenced by this contemporary woman of my generation whose interests include just listening to the music of Duran Duran and Wham
The concert show as i said was phenomenal and just to watch Roger Hodgson of the group Supertramps singing one of my all time favourite songs ,"The logical song" brought back great memories of watching and admiring that damsel of a Princess who at 19 years of age married that man in the wedding of the century.
Yes, the memories of Diana the People's Princess will live on....
If Lady Di still alives, i think many of us wont put her so high in us. She was an icon. not that i want to say what but i think she's brave, grace, a real woman for being herself all the time. i adore her, still.
I really admire Princess D, shy, elegant and kind..