I knew myself always had a bit of withdrawal syndrome comes Summer when there is no more Premier league games to watch on Telly. You felt loss at times as Saturday night always be a time to look forward to.
But this cant beat a withdrawal syndrome of epic proportions that i observed recently...tagging along with us to Sydney was Faizul, the "boy half" of our loving paternal twins. While his sister twin ,Sabrina is maniacally obsessed with everything Japanese or Korean(read her blog!!) ,Faizul (boys being boys nowadays) is fully obsessed with the Internet interactive game, DOTA or as i was told by him meaning Defence of the Ancients(?????????). As he tagged along with his sidekick, Amirul the youngest boy, with a laptop in his bag always on the look out for any free Wi-Fi outlets in Sydney.
Unfortunately for them none can be found,you still need to subscribe to the local network..so what will you get? A zombie and his sidekick oblivious to the wonders of the Sydney opera house or the Sydney famous bridge.
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