Happy 52ND independence day Malaysia...you have reached an age normally associated with maturity, wisdom and progress.
May you live up to that expectations .
A country that is blessed with endowing natural resources and a high literate population cannot afford to screw up the future , a future that is more intertwined with the global happenings , a future that is definitely being determined how capable we are as a nation to be relevant in all fields within the world arena.
Malaysia's strength came from its diversity and this should not be viewed as a weakness.
Malaysia's strength came from its stable institutions of governance and this must not be taken for granted.
Malaysia's strength came from from its burgeoning young population and their voices and views must not be ignored.
Malaysia's strength is inspired by its moderate approach in its political and religious views and this must not be hijacked by any form of extremism.
The formation of Malaysia came from a desire of far sighted leaders then to have a federation of then British Colonies to seek unity and strength within a collective nation while still maintaining a specific measure of independence of each federated state to chart its local aspirations and destinies.
This underlying principle of Malaysia's formation must be well and clearly understood by present leaders and generations as the pace of globalisation hastens a need for us build up our present competencies and strengths and not be haggled by petty misunderstandings due to our own lack of knowledge of the basis of "lahirnya Malaysia".
PROUD TO BE MALAYSIANS...merdeka, merdeka
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