Mr Joseph,Mr Matthias and Mr Clarence who knows them? Am sure most probably most people will not know them unless you happened to be a science student in St Joseph school in the 70s. They were our Physics, Chemistry and Biology teachers respectively.
30 years onwards i still remembered their names and faces for these 3 gentlemen shaped our understanding of science thus building a strong foundation as we students henceforth then separately pursued our university degrees and professional careers.
How easy for us to forget their immense contribution, more so they are not Sarawakians but individuals from India.
I strongly believed and still do that these 3 gentlemen has contributed so much to the Sarawak society.Their students are the ones now possibly have a big say in the development of Sarawak in various capacities from doctors, engineers, lawyers and others.
How they have faded easily from our attention and memories.
How they have possibly gone back to India unrecognised and not acknowledged by our society.
To Sirs, i raise my deepest respect and salute for you were indeed our society's unsung heroes.
Now you may wonder why i suddenly raised this story.
It all started with a conversation with my son Azri who just came back from Bintulu.
He told me a story of a very dedicated teacher he met who hails from West Malaysia and has spent more than 20 years teaching in Sarawak interiors and rural schools.
The most amazing part of his story was that this particular teacher without fail every month will drove to a village school where his wife was teaching not only to meet his wife but to send the monthly water ration to the school and village!!!!
I cant believe his story when he told me.
This teacher possibly will not and never raise a complain of the great deeds that he accomplished
One day just like my Indian teachers he will go home to West Malaysia ,unrecognised , unappreciated and to him possibly it doesn't really matter.
To this man i as a Sarawakian gave you my utmost respect and salute.May Allah SWT bless you and your family for this dedicated service.
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