I happened to be in London last March and what does one do on a cold Saturday afternoon? Typically i tried to watch a football game.The one on offer then was the Tottenham vs Portsmouth game. I called the booking office and the curt reply was (as expected..)."all tickets sold sir".
Familiar with the mechanics of how to watch a football game in UK, i just gamely trudged on to White Hart Lane.
Yes ...there will always be ticket touts. I bought one for a fraction more of its selling price near kick off time(its value preceding as the kick off nears obviously ha ha...)
What did i remember most of that game? Berbatov's flicks and runs !!!!
Here was a man i felt that can fill Cantona's shoes and lo and behold my joy when Manchester United decided to buy him albeit at a hefty price tag.
Berbatov has yet to stamp its lasting mark in the United's hall of fame but the obvious signs are there.
His best game i have watched so far was against Southampton in the FA cup. It was a display of sheer arrogance, deftness and his control and the way he strutted around is (to borrow a metaphor) like a conductor of a wonderful,sublime orchestra(Manchester United its name).
Was it true that he has Gypsy's blood? I read this somewhere ,maybe that's where he gets his nonchalant way of playing his football and not forgetting his dark brooding look.
Alright Berba the Gypsy roll it on till the season end and your next victim of your arrogant skills be Liverpool,please.Ha.
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