Was in Singapore over the Christmas weekend. Singapore has somehow made a name for itself as a happening place over Christmas in this part of the world. never spent the Christmas weekend at this island city so with the family off we go and try to indulge ourselves in the spirit of festivities promised by all the gung ho publicity.Did we enjoy ourselves? Cant say much except that this to me is just an excuse for the young Singaporeans to fill up the streets(read..orchard road) and taking photos at all nooks and corners like a tourist. How boring that can be? The famous lighting did not enthrall me much not after you have seen Dubai in lights.But Singapore has also its positives..it offers you clean fun and and no mindless "Mat Rempits" scouring the motorways and the simple fun they had must be their highlight of the year in a country that fines anyone that breaks its strict laws(no chewing gums in the MRT please!!!). Somehow my Singapore trip was never complete without a visit to my favourite second hand bookstore at Far East Plaza, cant help again buying a few more books, one that seems interesting is the one on punctuations "Eat,shoots and leaves" ha ha i do need to read this book to see the funny side of the English language or rather its misuse.The other half though will normally have Geylang as part of the must visit itinerary.Geylang is the place for the Malays way way back in the 70's and 80's for its cheap textiles but no longer now for obvious exchange rate reasons. How do you spend your time at midnight if you are a shopaholic in Singapore? Visit Moustapha outlet near Little India ,it is a 24 hour shopping "paradise" but honestly the hype i heard from well meaning friends regarding this place turns out to be a downer..it is just a crammy "with everything you can buy is here" kind of place and unusual for me i didn't buy a single thing and that's at past midnight!!! Hold on, did i say we were in Singapore for the Christmas? Obviously like most trips it"s just going from shopping place to another. The only image that i can hold for Christmas Singaporean kiasu style is an old man wheeling away a string of big beads and i said to my little boy." hey, there's Santa Clause"... possibly the right way to view this Orchard Road Christmas, a real farce.
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