This week i lavished myself with a new blackberry hand phone,the blackberry bold. This is a real treat and as most blackberry users will testify once you use one you cant possibly revert to another brand no matter what the nokias,samsung are to throw at you with their new offerings.I first used a blackberry 2 years ago incidentally more for access to my emails,well it's still the best for such usage in my view.My only complaint that i had with my earlier blackberry is its camera function which cant offer a worthy picture of sufficient clarity.Nowadays can you imagine a life without a hand phone? Remembered my first ever hand phone way back in 1995 was a nokia and like most consumers(and hand phone makers know this) you tend to change these gadgets as a young man will sometimes do when they savour a better proposition(ahem..).My repeated change of hand phones though was sometimes due to unpleasant circumstances,my gadget tends to get stolen !!!that first nokia i can still recall was stolen when i left it just for a few minutes at a coffee stall.Few years back i started to migrate on usage of PDAs and my first PDA an O2 was taken away when my car was smashed at the roadside while i was having my Friday prayers. What kind of jerks do this despicable act at the mosque precinct? Anyway my second PDA was also stolen ,a Dopod when i left again for a few minutes in a buggy after finishing a round of golfing.PDAs tend to be oversell in its functionality, a laptop in my view is still a better companion and convenience of use for your business work. Can you now imagine a life without a hand phone? Incredible and mind boggling just to think what kind of gadget will be on offer 10 years from now? As for now let me just savour my blackberry bold with its much improved camera functionality !!! a photo taken at Buntal yesterday(testing,testing..my blackberry)..
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