Was in Kl yesterday attending our OSFAM exco meeting being the president. As usual sneek out to buy 2 books, "The world is curved" a tour d'force of trying to explain the intricacies of the present global financial systems and understanding posible reasons for the financial debacle due to the sub prime loans problems. Learn such mouthful word as "securitisation"(being the major blame for the debacle) has just finished reading 2 chapters and have also learned that the author in late 80's was interviewed by the smartest man in the world(according to Lyndon Johnson) Mr Lee Kuan Yew and he dared to stand up to that Singaporean icon. The other book i bought is on the history of manchester United. More interesting hmm and wow if i were to read what the author relate Mannchester United would not be in existent if not because of a dog named Major. You see at that time Man U original name was Newton Heath owned by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway company social club.Funds were at its lowest ebb and if no monies were sought Club has to close down ,man. So the captain of the day a guy named Holt decided to go for a charity drive with his dog,Major. It was a disaster fund raising campaign(reminiscent of theSarawak team ) and to add misery he lost his dog. To cut the story short a certain rich magnate Davies was also looking for a dog for his daughter and through a series of fortunate events they both met at same moment when trying to claim the missing dog.A deal was struck!!! Holt will part with his dog if Davies help out his bereaved team Newton Heath(man U). Thus start a new beginning of the club under the ownership and leadership of Mr davies which include moving to a new place in the Trafford(read Old Trafford) area. I am just on the 2nd chapter as well.No bets needed which book i will finish first!!! So to all man u fans give a yam seng and salute to MaJOR THE DOG!!!
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