Had the pleasure of watching the much awaited movie(for me,anyway) "Looking for Eric" on my DVD at home last weekend.
Am i disappointed with the movie? Not a bit really, enjoyed to a hilt because it was indeed a story of an ordinary person, a Manchunian postman whose life has taken a real dip to its lowest ebb and looking out to his hero,Eric Cantona in some form of imaginary conversation to seek out his own happiness and meaning to his seemingly mundane life.
Cantona(the man..) as usual oozes an aura that can only come from such a person of supreme confidence but even then he also relates his own frailties which makes Eric the postman realised that every man has his issues and problems and only by taking life by the scruff of its neck and caring honestly for the people that matters in your life (your family,close friends..) will enable one to endure all the challenges one would endure.
The movie has its magic moments..as Cantona famously quipped.."I am not a man", and Eric the postman asked, "What are you then?"... The reply? "I am Cantona"!! Great great man.
As a self confessed Manchester United fan who had suffered enough in the 70s and 80s , the coming of Cantona and the successes that he brought to the club was akin to the coming of the Messiah to Salford(of all places you may wonder).
Cantona is king, period for "old" fans like me, not Ronaldo, Rooney or Ferdinand(ugh).
Long live the King ..love your acting ,such presence as you also showed in your messianic duties on the pitch at old trafford.
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