Dear Sir,
Today is your inauguration day as the President of the most powerful country in the world the United States of America. I congratulate you and your family and we the world all rejoice on your winning the election.
Dear Sir, you came from a mixed heritage and a potpourri of culture and i believe that's what's makes you unique. As a Malaysian we are also proud that your brother in law has a Canadian-Malaysian background.
Your middle name,Hussein signify a lineage that has obvious link of your parentage to us Muslims. Hussein is a name very much admired within the Muslim community. You have taken the name of our Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) grandson's name, Saiyidina Hussein.
Dear Sir, Saiyidina Hussein as you may have already known is a man of virtuous character and is renown for his charitable acts and humility.
Observing the manner you have conducted yourself in the election campaign, you came through to us all as a man who has obvious admirable leadership qualities and a genuine concern for the less fortunate.
Dear Sir, you have inherited a presidency that has been plagued by controversy and with the world on the verge of a recession. We are very much aware of the great challenges that you will face.
I pride myself too Sir for being of the same generation as you are.
We are of a generation that has not seen a world war,we are a generation that has seen unprecedented economic boom, we are a generation that has seen great technological strides but foremost Sir we are a generation that has seen globalisation in all manners and forms presiding over our everyday lives.
If there is any one hope that we want your presidency to achieve sir is an everlasting peace particularly in the turbulent region of the Middle East so that the world will continue in its stride towards a greater well being of all humanity. That possibly is your greatest call.
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