Two weekends ago there was some form of roadshow by the Government on their "NKRAs" programme....
I went to the roadshow cum exhibition on that Saturday, had a chat with an old friend who is the driving force behind the whole process (Dato Seri Idris Jala).
Dato Seri has not lost any of his enthusiasm, charm and high octane energy as i can see that ever since i knew him more than an 20 years ago and always trust an ex oil and gas man to present his speech with the aid of view graphs!!!
He is indeed a Sarawakian that we all feel proud of , a man humble in his ways but effective in his mode of actions
.A day earlier i attended the opening ceremony and honestly the person that has also impressed me is Tan Seri Dato Koh Tsu Koon.
His speech in perfect Malay without any need of text , delivered in a strong, confident and immaculate manner was great. He did not ramble, and as a Chinese Malaysian , his command of Bahasa Malaysia even put the likes of me to shame.
Here indeed is a true core Malaysian where one does not have to abandon the traditions and language of one own's race but still can embrace the mainstream culture of the country with no inhibitions at all.
I believe another person of that nature is YB fadillah, have seen him on TV speaking immaculately as a Malaysian and that one cant tell that he's a Sarawakian. That's what it should be and can be, we can still can keep our own manners and lingo of our own dialects but will be at ease in the mainstream as we portray ourselves as a true Malaysian that thrives in our diversity of culture but with one common goal: building a country that the future generations can be proud of.
Tan Seri Dato Koh..how i wish i can have the same confidence and command of our National language as you are!!
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