Dear daughter(my princess),
I congratulated you for able to gain a place of study at one of the top most A level preparatory schools in the country. I can sense a feeling of excitement as you enrolled yourself on the first day of school.I was heartened to hear the principal's speech, a reflection that he has a deep sense of what the school hopes to achieve with the students that they are embracing in their tutelage. He does not emphasise on the academic goals only but pin the importance of the journey towards achieving that goal, a journey that hopefully will refine your character, a journey hopefully will give you the emotional fortitude in facing life's future challenges. .Embracing the right journey is of a more important objective than just achieving the academic goals.
In the college you will learn the meaning of tolerance, empathy and team play.In the college you will surely feel the intensity of the workload ;but this must not deter you in your pursuit of success ,a pursuit that will be more meaningful if it is achieved via your own hard grit and preseverance than being not true to yourself.
As someone who has already detoured the passage of life for some decades, I can only state that your success is not really measured by the wealth attained but by a sense of achievements in all your honest endeavours. Never ever feel that the world owe you a living for it does not.However the world will always offer you opportunities, challenges and an individual has a right to aspire for their own nirvana.Don’t be too obsessed with issues that you can't influence but be obsessed with an awareness that your actions and behavior each day will mould you to be the individual adult you will be ;an adult that knows that the world is there to be served,an adult that knows that tolerance and understanding of others is not a sign of weakness but a sign of maturiy.
This is what you must feel as you commence your journey of preparation at the college towards adulthood.
Adios. Your loving dad.